Se souvislostí s tématickým článkem o Niheiovi jsem vám slíbil několik věcí. Je čas si tedy i něco povědět o artbooku se zvučným názvem Bitch’s Life. Je docela vzácnost si tuhle věc vyhledat, ale mně se to podařilo :), vůbec jsem tenhle víkend docela dost trávil s díly Niheiovými (i když tohle moc Niheiovský není) a vůbec to nebylo na škodu. Už podle názvu víte moc dobře o čem tenhle artbook bude, ale to není tak úplně pravda. Opravdu nečekejte nějaké hentai nebo třeba, že se i díky tomu patřičně vzrušíte :). Není tomu tak, tohle není Treasure Chests, ale docela i chvílemi surový výlet do života určitých typů žen.
Je to erotika, ale velmi specifická erotika. Tenhle nápad měl zřejmě samotný Yasushi Nirasawa, kniha je poměrně rozsáhlá a obsahuje 125 stran, vydána roku 2001. Je plná artworků, ale nejen jich, Nirasawa si přizval řadu známých autorů, uveďme si aspoň některé z nich – Tsutomu Nihei, Akira Toriyama, Masakazu Katsura, Magaki Zanzo, Kanako Nakayama, Hiroaki Samura, Kenji Yamamoto, Martin F. Emond a spousta dalších.
Některé věci jsou opravdu roztomile erotické, ale některé jsou skoro až ohavné, ale jako celek je to hodně podařená práce. Zkrátka specifické umění a kromě artworků jsou tu snad i nějaké krátké příběhy, ale jakožto Čech asi tomu moc rozumět nebudete :). Zkrátka Bitch’s Life. Mě nejvíce zajímal Tsutomu Nihei, od kterého zde najdete 4 artworky, které byly zahrnuty i v jeho artbooku „Blame! And So On“. Musíte se na to podívat sami a udělat si svůj vlastní názor. Určitě je ale tenhle artbook ve svém žánru docela originální. Kromě Niheie samozřejmě mě zaujalo dost prací a hned po Niheiovi to byla práce Hiroakiho Samury, ukázku máte i tady vpravo. Moc se mi to líbí a teď jsem se o něho také docela začal zajímat.

for some of that is looking for art book
Hi, thank you for your comment. I’ve send you an e-mail.
Thank you very much ,for this sharing.
hi, im searching this for years, and its a long story why i cant buy it (i live in a really stupid country) i would be REALLY REALLY happy if you tell me the password 🙂 thanx
no problem
It’s no problem, sorry for my very late response (one month lol). I’ve also send you an e-mail.
buen aporte
buen aporte man
please English, but maybe I understand – well thanks 😀 you want to send the password?
please English, but maybe I understand – well thanks you want to send the password?
I appreciate your decision to share it. This book looks include very sensual illustrations, but I can extract the file. Could you send the password to my email ? Thank you in advance !
hi lordhell! thanks for the artbook, could you please tell me the password? 🙂
Hi and thank you, it’s settled I hope.
thanks for sharing! i’ve been looking for this for ages. could you send me the password? i’d really appreciate it. thanks in advance!
Hello thank you… but i dont have the password.. :S If you send me the password for e-mail.. 😀 Thank .. I see you ^^
hi, thanks for uploading. been looking for this for ages, that’s why, could you please email me the password?
Could you send me the password please?
password please
Could you send me the password for Bitch’s Life?
Thx man!! Could you send me the password?
thanks, could you send me the password?
could you send me the password please?
Thanks for the share, please send me the password.
Hi, could i get the password please. Thanks for sharing.
could you send me the password please?
could you send the password to me please?thx a lot
ive been looking for this could you send pass?
Thank you a lot for your interest :). I’ve send password to all of you – well I hope so. If someone didn’t get the password, let me know.
It was a fascinating Art work. Please send me the password, then I’ll be very appreciated. Thank you
Done, no problem. Thank you all also for letting me know by e-mail.
thanks for sharing! i’ve been looking for this for years. could you send me the password? i’d really appreciate it. thanks!!!
I’ve sent you an e-mail ;).
It was a beautifull Art work. Please send me the password, then I’ll be very appreciated. Thank you
Thanks for the share, can I get the password please?
Done, thanks.
thanks for the artbook!!! could you please send me the password?
You should have it in your mail :).
looks like a great artbook!
can you please send the password?
Thanks for the download! Could you send the password? Thanks!
Password, please, sir. :3
Hey man, can you send me the password for Bitch’s Life?
It was a fascinating Art work. Please send me the password, then I’ll be very appreciated. Thank you
Gran Artwork, muchas gracias por su publicación. Can you send me the password?
Hey Man Nice post
ive a fan of nirasawa’s work , thanks for sharing this book
but i dont have the password , would you share some ?
mande-me password
wow, thanks for share,
i really looking for this for long time
plz send me password ,plzzzz
Please give me the password, been looking for this artbook for a long time 🙂
Many many thanks!
password please
And thanks for sharing
password please !! thnk u so much for sharing this
Hey, thanks a bunch!
do want the pass, please! 🙂
Many thanks for the upload. May I please have the password. Thanks in advance.